To sum up, I believe Puma tried really hard to put things together, but they somehow failed in general. If this was a high top, I would like it a lot more.
First of all, the shoes was a solid build for sure and I can see Puma puts a lot of thoughts into it. However, there are a lot of things did not come out right:
1. The shoes is very bottom heavy. My guess is that the midsole material is similar to boost and the volume makes up a lot of the weight. On top of that, the outsole is kind thick and chucky also brings up the weight.
2. When I put on the shoes, if feels a bit tight. However, the soft inner booty and leather material do not hold up for long. After a few minutes, I can feel my feet were moving a little bit inside. The thin lace does not help at all, so I need to constantly adjust the tightness of the shoes.
3. I could only feel cushion in the forefoot, but not too much in the back. This is kind strange since it seems most of the boost-like material is in the back.
Like I said, if this was a high top, then the fit issue might get resolved and I would feel much comfortable wearing it. However, on the personal basis, I am glad to see Puma gets back into the basketball scene since more competition is also good for the consumers.